Reproducible Research in Signal Processing
Wavelets and frames
- Emergence of simple-cell receptive field properties by learning a sparse code for natural images SparseCode code
- A wavelet tour of signal processing Wavelab
- Steerable pyramid MATLAB Pyrtools.tar.gz
- Rice Wavelet Toolbox
- Contourlet and Ridgelet Toolbox Download
- Beamlet and Curvelet Toolbox Beamlab
- Complex Wavelet Toolbox Toolbox Download
- Wavelet/bandelet Toolbox at MATLAB Central
- MCALab
- Differentiation of discrete multidimensional signals DDMS code
- The finite ridgelet transform for image representation Ridgelet code
- Framing pyramids FramingPyramid code
- Contourlet transform: An efficient directional multiresolution image representation Contourlet code
- Directional multiscale modeling of images using the contourlet transform ContoutletTransform code
- The nonsubsampled contourlet transform: Theory, design, and applications NSCT code
- Multidimensional directional filter banks and surfacelets MDFB code
- 3D discrete shearlet transform and video processing Shearlet code
Compressed Sensing
- l1-Magic
- SparseLab
- ell-1 LS: simple MATLAB solver for ell-1-regularized least squares problems
- Sparsify
- MPTK: matching pursuit toolkit
- Bayesian compressive sensing
- SPGL1: A solver for large scale sparse reconstruction
- sparseMRI
- Chaining Pursuit
- Regularized OMP
- SPARCO: A toolbox for testing sparse reconstruction algorithms
- Compressed Sensing Codes
- Fast CS using SRM
- Fast Bayesian Matching Pursuit
- SL0
- Sparse recovery using sparse matrices
- Compressive sensing via belief propagation
- SpaRSA
- KF-CS: Kalman filtered CS (and other sequential CS algorithms)
- Fast Bayesian CS with Laplace priors
- RecPF
- Basis Pursuit DeQuantization
- k-t FOCUSS
- Sub-Nyquist sampling:The modulated wideband converter
- Threshold-ISD
- A sparse learning package
- Model-based compressive sensing toolbox
- Sparse modeling software
- Spectral compressive sensing toolbox
- CS-CHEST: A MATLAB toolbox for compressive channel estimation
- DictLearn: A MATLAB implementation for dictionary learning
- Peformance benchmark of l1-optimization algorithms
- BM3D-based compressed sensing
- Compressed sensing using belief propagation
- Model-based compressed sensing
- Bayesian compressive sensing 2
- Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization Latent variable Code
Blind source separation
- Shiro Ikeda's page of Blind Source Separation
- Independent component analysis by JV Stone
- Blind source separation via Independent component analysis
- ICALab for image processing
- Separating a real-life nonlinear image mixture
2D phase unwrapping
- Graph cut based 2D phase unwrapping GCphase code
- Unwrapping MR phase images by a Markov random field model MRFphase code
- Satellite radar interferometry: Two- dimensional phase unwrapping Code
- Phase unwrapping algorithms for radar interferometry: residue- cut, least- squares, and synthesis algorithms PUA Code