Reproducible Research in Visual Perception
Saliency/objectness detection
- Learning to detect a salient object Code (third-party implementation)
- Dynamic visual attention: searching for coding length increments Dynamic Visual Attention Code
- What is an object?
- Saliency detection: A spectral residual approach
Image classification: An integration of randomization and discrimination
in a dense feature representation - Saliency filters: contrast based filtering for salient region detection SaliencyFilter code
- Global contrast-based salient region detection
- Frequency-tuned salient region detection
- Saliency, attention, and visual search: An information theoretic approach
- Saliency detection using maximum symmetric surround
- Segmenting salient objects from images and videos
- Static and space-time visual saliency detection by self-resemblance
- SUN: A Bayesian framework for saliency using natural statistics
- Saliency estimation using a non-parametric low-level vision model
- model of saliency-based visual attention for rapid scene analysis
- Graph-based visual saliency
- Context-aware saliency detection
- Salient region detection and segmentation
- Automatic salient object segmentation based on context and shape prior
- Saliency detection via graph-based Manifold ranking
- Kernel Null space methods for novelty detection
- Efficient salient region detection with soft image abstraction
- A unified approach to salient object detection via low rank matrix recovery LRMR code
- Saliency optimization from robust background detection Saliency Optimization Code
- Minimum barrier salient object detection at 80 FPS
Image quality assessment
- Universal image quality index UIQ code
- Structural SIMilarity index SSIM code
- Degradation model DM code
- FSIM: A feature similarity index for image quality assessment FSIM code
- A no-reference objective image sharpness metric based on the notion of just noticeable blur JNB code
- An improved no-reference sharpness metric based on the probability of blur detection BlindSharpness code
- Gradient magnitude similarity deviation: A highly efficient perceptual image quality index
Texture/Shape/Image classification
- Wavelet-based GDD and KL-distance GDD-KL code
- Local binary pattern based
- Filter bank based at Visual Geometry Group
- A completed modeling of local binary pattern operator for texture classification LBPclassify code
- Shape classification using the inner-distance Inner-distance code
- Deformed lattice detector DLD code
- Ensemble projection for semi-supervised image classification
Image registration/OFE
- Affine SIFT with online demo
- SIFT flow: dense correspondence across scenes
- Lukas-Kanade algorithm LK code LK code2
- SIFT feature correspondence SIFT code SIFT code2 SIFT code3
- Local binary pattern LBP code
- Speed up robust features
- Compact and real-time descriptors
- Maximally stable extremal regions MSER code
- Graph-cut based optical flow estimation GCOFE code
- Pyramid-based hierarchical motion estimation HME code
- Medical image registration with partial data MIR code
- A frequency-domain approach toward image registration FD code
- Blended intrinsic maps
- An efficient Earth mover's distance algorithm for robust histogram comparison EarthMover code
- Diffusion distance for histogram comparison DDHC code
- Coherency sensitive hashing
- Fast template matching in non-linear tone-mapped images FTM code
- BRIEF: Binary robust independent elementary features
mage matching using local symmetry features
- Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles MATLAB Code
- Segmentation based variational model for accurate optical flow estimation Flow Estimation Code
- Total variation regularization of local-global optical flow
- Motion detail preserving optical flow estimation
- Large displacement optical flow: descriptor matching in variational motion estimation Optical Flow Code
- FAsT-Match: Fast affine template matching
- Pose-free facial landmark fitting via optimized part mixtures and deformable shape model
- Deformable spatial pyramid matching for fast dense correspondences
- Nonlocal sparse and low-rank regularization for optical flow estimation NLS-LRR code